Sunday 8 April 2012

Please go this page and read all about Gas lighting, and narcissistic abuse patterns If this is you, like it is me, it will help you see the truth.

1 comment:

  1. ironic but i have had this twice. I left my ex after 12 months of gaslighting and physical abuse and four years later fell in love with another woman. It was very intense and she idolised me. i ignored the red flags abut incest as a child and her previous abusive relationships. i wanted to rescue her.
    I found out that after a few months she was having an affair with a married man. she began gaslighting me and it nearly destroyed me.

    these people despise kindness and see it as a weakness. they are very charming and seductive. she is very intelligent and high functioning. i saw her enter the house with him and she still denied it. this is the level they will go to. they have no empathy. he will fall in love with her and probably wreck his marriage.

    weirdly i probably still love her. she is like a drug. I am though going to cut free and have no contact. she has destroyed my soul and i don't think i will ever trust anyone again.
